With wildfires and climate change dominating British Columbia's news headlines this month, let's take a moment to celebrate some positive developments that benefit ocean health and coastal communities.
The Province of BC has released its Coastal Marine Strategy In a landmark initiative, the Province of British Columbia, with Indigenous Nations at the forefront, has launched a new action plan for the sustainable management of our coastlines. The Coastal Marine Strategy lays out a 20-year vision under four major themes: While this strategy is a step in the right direction to restore, protect, and conserve marine health, it's important to remember that strategy is not legislation. We hope this initiative along with its funded projects can lead to legal framework for protecting marine biodiversity for a more sustainable and vibrant coastal future.
Healthy coastal marine ecosystems
Resilience to climate change
Thriving coastal economies and communities
Informed governance

2. A new source of oxygen was found in the deep sea!
As a ground breaking discovery, researchers have identified a new process for producing oxygen that does not rely on sunlight or photosynthesis. This novel process occurs in the deep sea, where metallic minerals participate in a chemical reaction that splits water molecules into oxygen. The energy source driving this reaction remains a mystery, but this finding opens up exciting new avenues for understanding the deep-sea environment and its contributions to our planet's oxygen supply.

3. BC Plastics Action Plan advances the phase-out of single-use items
As part of the ongoing effort to reduce plastic pollution, new regulations on plastics have come into effect in British Columbia. Starting July 15th, the province has banned plastic shopping bags and plastic take-out containers. Notably, biodegradable plastics are also included in this ban to minimize the impact of microplastic pollution. This move is a significant step towards a more sustainable future, encouraging a shift from temporary plastics to reusable items.
These developments are a reminder of the positive steps being taken to protect our oceans and coastal communities. Let's continue to support and celebrate these efforts!